Jun 19, 2012

42 degrees and an interview or two

i've been job hunting for six months now and i just had my 7th interview.

i got a rejection email from the environmental centre on friday afternoon. i sort of expected it and didn't care too much. i know i could do it well, but it just wasn't all that workable for me, seeing as how it was a permanent position in the middle of no where.

today, i had an interview to work with a non-profit organization and on beaches/in the office all summer. this seemed like a swell role for me. i get to educate people and gain experience doing things, and manage a team of volunteers. this is an ideal position. and it was paid! i really hope i get this one.

our apartment was "randomly selected" this week to participate in the labour force unemployment survey. this basically means that i'm now a statistic in the job hunt and for the next 6 months, they'll be following up monthly to see whether or not i've found work. so next month when the unemployment rate comes out on stats canada, i'll be a part of that percentage. ugh. as if the job hunt wasn't bad enough already!

it took about until the end of june last summer to find 2 jobs and work interchangeably. and then about 3 weeks into it, i left one to gain more hours at the other and that that one let me go because there was no tourism/business/they overhired. maybe it's best for me not to try to jump into things so quickly to ensure i can have a steady job for the summer, even if it's only part-time. but i've stopped applying to shitty summer jobs only because i still wasn't getting any interviews for them. and i need experience in my field, really.

i won't lie though, last week wouldn't have been so amazing if i actually had a job. i enjoy being able to do whatever i want and am definitely keeping busy. but i'm hoping that will come to an end and i can spend my weekends on the beach all summer.

also, it's supposed to be 42 degrees today and it's only june. fuck that shit.

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