Jun 26, 2011

and so it begins

margaritaville called and offered me the position. now i work 2 jobs for the summer. i caught a very lucky break i think.

the manager reminds me a lot of my manager from last summer. nobody liked her and she tended to ruin people's lives with scheduling and passive aggressive tendencies. we'll see if this is any different. i also had to buy two shirts that come out of my pay and now i need khakis and white shoes. i don't have khakis but i found old white adidas i can wear for now i guess. damn uniform. imax had black pants and black shoes that i had to buy with a uniform shirt/vest and now this is completely different in things i need. java joes only has black pants and uniform shirt.

i was hoping i could work set days, 3 shifts at each with a day off a week but that can't happen as java joes is rotating shifts and flexibility is key. so now both of them will have to get along in scheduling but it's mostly up to me based on what the schedule shows. if that makes any sense at all!

it all starts tuesday at java joes 3pm-9pm. wednesday margaritaville 5pm-10pm. friday margaritaville 5pm-10pm. and saturday java joes 3pm-9pm. i may also have another thursday java joes shift but not sure yet. i'll have some long weeks ahead of me but hopefully it all works out.

next week will no longer be about the frustrations of a job search but rather the frustrations of working 2 jobs. stay tuned.