Sep 18, 2011

second thoughts

i'm having second thoughts.

not about living in toronto. fuck, it still rules. mostly about school. it's getting to be beyond an actual joke. rarely am i listening. i find myself daydreaming about everything half the time. my heart (and my mind) just doesn't seem to be into it. i'm hoping that will change soon when i have stuff to do. readings? yeah, whatever. i paid for those books so obviously i'm going to read them. but i don't feel as though i have learned anything yet.

on monday, we had our first environmental law class. besides the teacher being super intense (turn off your phone, picks on classmates at random (and makes fun of their university? ...the fuck), spends most of the 3 hours of class talking about a bunch of case studies but doesn't actually give out a syllabus, i felt like i could learn something from this course. perhaps. i don't know a whole lot about environmental law. but as of a week, i still have no clue what it is we're going to do in that class or what we'll actually learn.

we had to discuss our dream environmental project in the project management class. nobody knew where he wanted us to go with it. i felt really terrible when he yelled at the one lady for not wanting to put up her dream project on the board. she's international; maybe she can't write well? there were a lot of things to consider when she said no. fuck, the teacher was so rude. she ended up leaving. good for her. don't take his fucking shit.

exciting parts of this week: wednesday's snakes and lattes. we played apples to apples, jenga, and formula d. all of which were so cool. that place is wicked. i won a round of apples to apples. i haven't played that game in forever. thursday, i had one class. i commuted all the way to school to be in class for an hour and a half instead of 3 hours. i almost felt ripped off, but at least i was home sooner. unfortunately, i had nothing to do that night.

friday morning, i went to that english writing class and wanted to shoot myself. tone, discourse, proper writing techniques to 'get the message across'. ugh. this is the only class that actually kills me and i wish i didn't have to take it. i went out for a few beers friday night to the only cafe and it ruled by serving creemore. i can see myself needing beers every friday after that class.

finally, i'm super stoked to be going to see misery signals next weekend. they played L3 back in second  year and it was a fantastic show. here's hoping next week is better than this week. enjoy this clip of one of my favourite songs!

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