Jun 8, 2011

this week in the job hunt

on monday, i handed out 20 hard copy resumes that made me feel wickedly unsustainable. about half of the places i applied to "weren't hiring but it didn't hurt to leave a resume." i finished off with 5 emails with a nice cover letter and resume attachment. i applied for a few dishwashing, retail/sales associate, spa receptionist, serving, hostess, and the like. i refuse to apply for housekeeping or front desk, the two most seemingly popular job postings that are always available.

i went to build a bear and asked one of the ladies who interviewed me if they had made a decision on hiring. she said she wasn't the one who did the hiring but the lady who does was coming in for the afternoon shift. she wrote down my name and number and said the lady would call me back that afternoon. she didn't.

i also tried to get the job i had last summer back. i've emailed the company a bunch of times with no responses and getting my friends who already work there to try to get me back.  the supervisors/managers kept saying they were doing something in order for me to come back. so i went in to see them after one of their employees quit; obviously there was now an opening for a replacement. i asked and i was told that they had  "over hired" and nobody was getting hours. well, shit, i know that already. it's just like last season: we only got hours on the weekends if that (normally when it was slow, we were sent home) until it started to get busy around the middle of june which started full time hours. i was told the "next time they were hiring" would be july 1st. i really hope i will have found a job by that date.

i sent out 5 more cover letters/resumes yesterday and 5 more today. 2 of those 5 from today were the coveted howard johnson/embassy suites tourist information clerk positions, the ones i apply to every year. the howard johnson one i have applied to twice already earlier in my search; the embassy suites i applied to once earlier in my search. both of these places now have my resume once again. either they hate it or they never get around to seeing it.

today, i received a call from the marriott offering me an interview for a front desk position, even though i never applied for it. i did apply for a hotel information clerk with them which didn't say in the description of the job posting that you were doing any of the front desk duties and you were also helping to set up rooms for conferences/banquets. why they decided to interview me for something completely different is strange, but at least it's a phone call i suppose. i declined for the interview. front desk is not me.

the job search continues for another day.

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