Aug 4, 2011

5 days

i worked five days in a row this week.

sunday, i think i was on cutlery at embassy. again, i really enjoy that job. it's so simple! monday and tuesday, i started something a little different and was on sweep. i pretty much just walk around and clean up messes on floors/counters/etc and help out where i can. this got boring after awhile when there wasn't anything to do. time went by slowly.

tuesday evening, i had my first shift at sport chek. i went in for 5pm and they forgot i was even coming in. they set me up on a bunch of e-learning modules at the computer and i sat there for four hours completing like 1/4 of them. there were so many and they took so much time to finish! i didn't even get a chance to be on the floor. i just sat in the super air conditioned staff room and did simulations set up by the training modules of these ridiculous scenarios about some guy wanting his skates sharpened but the laces were discolored, so he wanted a discount, and he's paying in gift cards with the remaining balance in debit and cash and blah blah blah but then he also wanted to return items etc etc. ugh. they were so annoying. my hands were actually turning blue by the end of the shift because i was so fucking cold sitting there the entire time working on these scenarios. i doubt i would even come across a scenario like that anyway when i'll probably only get one customer during a shift if i'm lucky.

it seems as though i'm not going to get that many shifts (maybe only 1 shift a week?) and the majority of those shifts will be just finishing the training... and then i'll be moving away at the beginning of september. sport chek knows that i'm leaving at the end of the summer. i feel like it's a stupid move on their part for having to pay me for training and not actually use me. though i guess i don't care that much as long as i'm getting paid for the training!

wednesday, i was on cutlery again (where it was such a dead day and had nothing to do most of the time) and today i finished off with working the cold buffet. since i started working at embassy, i'm usually pretty tired when i get home, so i take a nap. when i have these naps, i have the strangest dreams. my dreams only get worse when i go to sleep for the night -- mostly nightmares that i'm definitely not comfortable with. i wake up with sweats and my heart racing. it's not a fun experience. i hope it goes away soon. i don't really know what i have to be nervous or stressed out about. i can't say i enjoy working at embassy but i don't hate it either.

i'm just happy to have the next 3 days off to relax, hang out, and throw my party.

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